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5 Simple Ways to Establish Strong Nanny-Family Communication

5 Simple Ways to Establish Strong Nanny-Family Communication

Nannies are responsible for establishing strong communication with the parents or the family they work with. Those who are not comfortable in direct communication may find it difficult to foster a healthy family-nanny relationship. 

Having vigorous communication protocols with the family has a positive impact on how you perform the work. It also allows a positive and long-lasting nanny-family relationship that has great benefits for the children. 

If you are having trouble opening discussion with the family, here are five simple ways you can take the first steps to establishing a strong working relationship. 


Begin with a detailed contract.

In the contract, it is essential to discuss the expectations your clients have of you as their nanny. Both parties should agree on the nanny’s job description and duties and responsibilities. It should also include your salary, hours of work, travel expectations, and benefits.


Have a strategic communication technique.

There are many ways to communicate with the family; chatting in person, texting, via a nanny log and more. You and your employers should decide together which communication is most suitable for everyone. 

If the family wants to keep a nanny log, make sure you know exactly what notes the family expects you to outline. A nanny log can be beneficial for both parties - having a written to-do list every morning will help you set the schedule for the day.


Set routine check-ins and reviews schedule.

Schedule a casual, weekly meeting with your employers to keep them updated on progress, including their child’s language and reading skills. Choose a calm setting where both of you can feel comfortable enough to discuss concerns and go over any issues that occurred during the week. 


Discuss issues and concerns as they arise, ask questions if you are unsure. 

Nannies should not be afraid to raise questions if there are concerns and issues with the job. If you are unsure of your tasks, such as scheduling playdates or organising toys, it is better to address these early. 

During the discussion, it may also be beneficial for nannies to ask parents if they have concerns over how the job is being performed. Discussing queries helps to strengthen your nanny-family relationship.


Follow the golden rule.

Treat the parents and their children the way you would want to be treated. Being a nanny is a job that requires love, compassion, and emotional support. Show the people you work around respect and empathy as a person, not just as an employer.


Nannies who have a strong connection with the family often becomes an essential part of the child’s life. Maintaining open and transparent communication and providing your employers with detailed information regarding their children will ensure a happy and healthy working relationship.

Like any good long-term relationship, talking about issues before they grow and taking steps to remedy the complications will help.