
VivBon stands for "Live" and "Good" - The good life!

Why was VivBon Family Service founded?

My name is Christoffer Bylock and I am the one who started VivBon. My goal is for VivBon to be able to offer first-class services to customers who need an extra hand in everyday life.

In 2009, I and my then company created one of Sweden's first babysitting agencies, which quickly grew into one of Sweden's largest. We noticed that we could create more time for families with children in the middle of the career and also create more quality time when our babysitters relieved parents so they could come home and just be parents. 

Once the children are big and maybe even relocated, the next big challenge often comes when the same family's parents or spouse gets older and must get help from the elderly care. With limited efforts from the home care service and a lack of places in nursing homes, development has moved towards more and more responsibility being placed on the relatives. Just as I helped families with children to free up more quality time with the family, I now want to help relatives and seniors and deliver a first-class service in the form of relief in everyday life with competent and long-term staff.

VivBon means that you should live the good life as a family in all stages of life and therefore we have developed some first-class services.

VivBon has chosen to invest only in a local workforce consisting of competent and experienced staff.